Saturday, November 8, 2008

Education vs. Entertainment Video

The imp in me says, does it really have to be an either/or situation? Couldn’t a smart educator integrate entertainment into a video lesson? I think they could…

But let’s say for a moment that the two can’t relate, that education is education and entertainment is entertainment. While the survey conducted Pew Internet & American Life Project does show a high consumption of comedy viewing (31%) by adults, it also provides a very healthy statistical number (22%) to represent educational video viewers. The great news in this survey is that this percentage reflects a multigenerational interest in learning how to do something. And I suspect that number will probably increase as more and more of the population pursues their education online, and as more and more content becomes available.

The real issue may be that a popular site, like YouTube, has far more creators, both amateur and professional, posting comedy than posting instructional material. And it may be that educators are slightly late to the party when it comes to posting online content on YouTube. But I’ll never forget how much of an impact that instructional YouTube video we watched the first week of this class had on me – and how that led to someone in the class finding a YouTube hosted academic rebuttal, and so on. There’s fantastic potential here, and people have started to tap into it – and that’s for everyone’s benefit!

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