Saturday, November 8, 2008

SCILS598F08 - One Big, Happy, Caffeinated Family!

Looking over everyone's Flickr photos, I had to laugh: we're more alike than different, at least in terms of what we've photographed as our 'educational experience':

Commuter students are just obsessed with getting to campus through the obstacle course: taking the bus, the car, the train; navigating through the road signs, the Rte. 18 construction; and once here, finding the available parking lot and having copious amounts of quarters for the meters.

Once here, the SCILS Lounge and its vending machines are a focal point: Pepsi, bad coffee, and what I hesitate to call 'tea' all assist us in our need to be eternally caffeinated. So many pix of home tea and coffee paraphernalia, with the occasional bottle of energy boost, lead me to believe we are very, very wired, and alternatively, very, very tired. We are also very, very hungry: another SCILS Lounge vending machine beautifully stocked with brightly colored treats, Panera, Au Bon Pain - we want to eat and run, or eat and work, often in front of our laptops or while sitting in class in those awful, tiny chairs. The pic of the open laptop paired with a bowl of soup says it all.

We love books. We love taking pix of the books. We love stacking the books or showing the books in the bookcase or showing how many books we've had to buy for all our classes. We also want to show off our (allegedly) messy desks and our laptops. We're all working hard & we want you all to know it!

We also like our leisure time, and spending off-hours with our pets (who like to sleep on our books and desks) and our people (who don't).

We've got our differences: mushrooms, edible or no, are not an item I acknowledge as food. On the other hand, while I've never had biscuits and gravy, they look good! Kinds of cars and laptops and pets vary.

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