Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wet Paint iz E-Z!

If you're unfamiliar with wikis, wet paint is an easy way to begin using them. The instructional video on the main page is a great, basic explanation of why you might use a wiki. Then, a simple three step process gets you started and, voila! You are working on your new wiki!

"Basic" and "beginner" are good words to describe wet paint. For example, large icons and buttons for editing and uploading are easy to read, understand, and use. There are several basic text choices and a few pages of pretty backgrounds for the casual/new user. If you were working with a population with little computer experience, this would be an excellent resource - I could see library patrons creating pages easily here.

Of course, we've been "spoiled" by pbwiki, and in many respects I like pbwiki better. It has its secrets to reveal and I get the idea that it would only get better as you knew more about it. It has the potential to expand its usefulness as you learn - not the case with wet paint. But, wet paint probably was designed for people who could be intimidated by technology - and really shouldn't be. So while I like pbwiki, wet paint would be a first recommendation for someone who wants to throw something up on the web quickly and doesn't have the time/interest/intrepidness to explore more wiki options.

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